Not so long ago this Bored Panda-sensation got in touch with me for a collab’. She told me she wanted to raise awarness of the fact that while the internet-sphere, dominated by northen emisphere supremacist, wasn’t paying enough attention to the suffering of those going through a tough winter in the Southern emisphere.
I couldn’t resist the temptation to give my voice to the freezing people of, for exemple, South America, so I took the challenge and wrote this mini comic.
I’m very satisfied with how the collab’ turned out, especially ’cause Sahotso is so talented and her rendition of the freezing lady is just perfection. I guess it spawned from the heart. Before it freezed to.
Also, I’m calling a chinese factory right now to get myself a pikachu bikini. I didn’t know I needed one before drawing it.
Enjoy the collab’ and check out Sashotso’s work on Instagram!