Although Kotopopi attendes her local school of comics at age 15 in Italy, she’s not able to pursue a career in the arts right away.

After college she spends 10 years working in corporate business until finally, in 2015, the discovery of self-publishing platforms brings comics back into her life.

At the time she’s living in France and she starts self-publishing a webcomic about her life as an italian abroad, that will eventually become La Vie en Grey, her first featured webtoon.

She now lives in Italy where she works predominantly as a webtoon writer for several publishers around the world in English, French and Italian.



The last god of Spring” EN (writer) – (Webtoon/USA)

Je suis MEMO” FR (writer) – Allskreen (Ankama/France)

Un de chaque” FR (writer) – Webtoon France (Webtoon/France)

Cara Celeste Compagnia” IT (writer) – Tacotoon (JPop/Italy)

Vita da cacuts” IT (writer) – Tacotoon (JPop/Italy)

15 minutes of fame” EN/FR (writer) – Webtoon Factory (Editions Dupuis/Belgium)

La vie en grey” EN/FR – Webtoon Factory (Editions Dupuis/Belgium) – 2 seasons – 2019-2021

The ladder” EN (writer) – Webtoon USA – Short story contest winner in the ‘Brain’ category – 2020. Watch the animated version by Rooster Teeth.


Stay Hydrated!” EN – Rocketship (USA) – A succulents comics collection – Coming up Sept.2024

Humania!” EN – David Daneman (USA) – Anthology – 2022

Big Mood” EN – David Daneman (USA) – Anthology – 2021

Vita da pomodoro” IT – Edizioni Beccogiallo (Italy) – Anthology – 2020

Robot mon amour” FR – Tacos Banditos (France) – Anthology – 2020


Millennials (2016-2020) EN – Canvas (Webtoon USA)

Nice cats/Bad dogs EN – Anthology (2016-2021) – Canvas (Webtoon USA)

More comics here.